Burrito Case for Days

Is that a burrito?…No, it’s a burrito case, son! That’s right a burrito case, where I carry everything I need on the go. Chris actually showed it to me jokingly one day and said “look, you should get this!” Little did he know that burrito case was calling my name as soon as I laid eyes on it. Coincidentally enough my sister asked me the following week what I wanted for my late birthday gift and I immediately  said a burrito case!

¿Es que un burrito ? … No, es un burrito estuche, hijo! Es un burrito estuche, donde llevo todo lo que necesito en el camino. Chris en realidad me lo mostró en broma un día y dijo “mira, debes comprar esto! ” Poco sabía ese burrito estuche estaba llamando mi nombre. Mi hermana me preguntó la semana siguiente lo que quería para mi regalo de cumpleaños  y de inmediato me dijo un burrito estuche!

Burritocaseburrito_case 1015_burito-4 jansport_burrito_caseYou can join the burrito case posse too, get yours here!
Tu tambien puedes obtener un burrito estuche, compralo aqui!

Photography by Mackenzie Wilder


If you know someone goofy or that love burrito I think this would be a fun gift to give 😉
Si conoces a alguien chistoso o que ama burritos, creo que esto sería un regalo divertido para dar 😉

Life Update/Mi Vida
Tune in tomorrow at 7pm (central) when I host #USBloggerChat on Twitter. Tomorrow’s topic will be “Goals for 2016 and how to achieve them) come and join me!

Sintonice mañana a las 7pm (central ) cuando alojo #USBloggerChat en Twitter! La tema de mañana será ” Las metas para 2016 y cómo lograrlos )  ven y únete a mí!


As always, thank you for reading, Como siempre, gracias por leer.


Link up
What I Wore: http://thepleatedpoppy.com/blog/
Whatcha Wearin Wednesday: http://www.themummychronicles.com
What I Wore Wednesday: http://chicstreetstyle.me  and http://www.gracefulleemade.com/ and http://bookofleisure.blogspot.com/
What I Wore to Work: http://mixmatchfashion.com
Spotlight Weekly: http://livingincolorstyle.blogspot.com  and http://www.stylininstlouis.com
Look what I got: http://www.thetinyheart.blogspot.com  and http://pennilesssocialite.blogspot.com
Happiness at Mid Life: http://www.happinessatmidlife.com/
The Red Closet Diary: http://www.theredclosetdiary.com/


  1. December 9, 2015 / 10:52 pm

    I found your blog today and love it! You are soo cute and I love that you are such a proud latina. You are the first blog I come across that is in Spanish and English.
    That burrito case is awesome! LOVE how you styled it 😉

    • December 11, 2015 / 5:32 pm

      AWWWW thank you so much, your words truly mean a lot to me! I see you’re a latina too, latinas represent! I actually want to visit NC one of these days so you’ll have to tell me what to do there 🙂
      The burrito is my fav! Very funny and useful piece

  2. December 15, 2015 / 6:50 pm

    You have such a fun style! I was intrigued by the topic- that seems like a super handy case! #BLMGIRL

    • December 17, 2015 / 12:04 am

      It actually is! Though it looks weird when I carry it around and people think I’m just carying around a burrito. Thanks for stopping by!

    • December 17, 2015 / 1:18 pm

      Thank you for hosting! It’s always fun funding new bloggers 🙂

      Con Amor-Elena

  3. December 19, 2015 / 10:38 pm

    OMG! I love this! Lol Totally something I would have used in school to hold my supplies, but since I no longer walk around with pencil cases, I think I’m gonna buy one for my sister. She’s going to LOVE this!

    If this was a clutch, I’d totally buy one for myself! LOL

    ~ Sanaa #BLMGirl

    • December 25, 2015 / 3:36 am

      It’s a great christmas idea! I have rocked it as a clutch before when I am on the go to meetings 😉
      Thanks for stoping by!

      Con amor-Elena