Funny Fridays #1


For those of you that know me, you know that I love to laugh and that I spend way too much time on the internet finding funny videos. Since I’m usually the friend who finds funny videos and shares them with my friends, I thought I share them with you. I’ll also occasionally post things that just make me smile and feel all warm and fuzzy inside and lets be honest we all need that every now and then. So here is the first of many Funny Fridays to come, I hope you have some laughs and have a wonderful weekend!

 I’m a HUGE Jimmy Fallon fan and try to watch all of his videos on YouTube because I usually miss his show, so here’s a few of my favorite #hashtag videos

I love Instagram and all the filters you can add in order to make everything prettier, but let’s be honest we all know those people who can get a little crazy with it. College Humor does an excellent job in summing up the Instagram craze in less than 3 minutes…

And lastly, if funny baby videos are your thing, you’re in for a treat!


Photo by Umberto Salvagnin on Flickr

As always, thank you for reading

Con Amor