Serious Savings: February Spending Report

DSCN1354Happy April Fools!

Guess who realized she forgot to do the February spending report while planning to recap the March spending? This girl! Sorry about that, here’s a very brief summary of my spending and yes I did go over my budget by a bit but these rain boots were a steal!

¡Feliz Día de los Inocentes!

Supongo que se dieron cuenta de que se olvidó de hacer el informe de gastos febrero, mientras que la planificación para recapitular el gasto de marzo ? Esta chica ! Lo siento, he aquí un breve resumen de mis gastos y sí que ha ido por encima de mi presupuesto un poco, pero estas botas de lluvia eran una ganga!

So this time around I’m just going to go over how much a spent and name a few things I bought. I promise March will be WAY better, plus I have a little surprise coming with it!

  • $21- Eyebrows did at European Wax Center
  • $28.68- The Limited (I bought lots of a line skirts on sale!)
  • $28.40- Nordstorm Rack (3 Urban Decay Primers because why not!)
  • $28.51- CVS (Where I bought this amazing makeup remover, serious game changer!)
  • $26.99- Colourpop (5 lippies)
  • $46.15- The Limited (My guilty pleasure)
  • $2.10- Target (socks)
  • $17.96- Ulta (Self tanner from Ulta, which is surprisingly really good and one of the best out there for a drugstore product) ***Might do review on it***
  • .93cents- Walmart (eye pencil sharpener)
  • $36- Marshalls (Tommy Hilfiger rain boots) These where one of the things on my purchase list from the beginning of the year and now I can mark it off! 
  • $27. 93- Target swimsuit! 

TOTAL= $264.65

As always, thank you for reading. Como siempre, gracias por leer.